Shipping & Returns
Our 100% Happy guarantee is our #1 priority!
Upon receiving your order, please inspect it and contact us within 48 hours if there is a problem with the order. All claims must be made within 48 hours of delivery. Please email us immediately at:
Please include the following information:
Your full name
- Your address
- Your phone number
- Your proof of purchase (copy of your receipt)
- Your date of purchase (if no receipt)
- Your charge amount and method of payment. If by credit card, please include the last 4 digits. (if no receipt)
- A description of what is wrong with your item.
Products that have been personalized or altered cannot be returned unless defective (see Exchanges below) within 14 days.
Of course, if the mistake is our fault, we will remake and reship your replacement item ASAP.
SALE ITEMS (if applicable)
EXCHANGES (if applicable)
We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. If you need to exchange it for the same item, send us an email at and send your item to: MMG Enterprises LLC dba The Personalization Station, 4606 Distillery Ct, Ijamsville MD 21754.
To return your product, you should mail your product to: MMG Enterprises LLC dba The Personalization Station, 4606 Distillery Ct, Ijamsville MD 21754, United States
You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of shipping will be deducted from your refund.
Free shipping offer only applies to $99 worth of product (gift cards not included) shipped within the 48 contiguous United States to a single address. Please provide a physical shipping address. All items in the order will ship at the same time, the product with the longest shipping estimate will be used for the order.
We only ship to the contiguous USA (excludes Alaska and Hawaii). At this time, we do not ship to international destinations.