Our Story

Greetings! I’m Melanie. Since 1995, my husband, Matt, and I have been running pop-up book and gift  fundraising events at major employers’ offices in the Greater Washington D.C. metro area. During those twenty-five years, our mobile book & gift store has raised over $2 million for charities and organizations in the Greater Washington D.C. metro area! 

Before the pandemic, we expanded our gift offerings at our pop-up events, and developed a mobile laser engraving station. Yep. That's how we got our catchy name "The Personalization Station"!

Personalization was a natural fit to our offerings as we have two boys--Jamie (14 years old) and Aaron (12 years old)--and we put their names on everything they own; from sports equipment to water bottles to Chromebooks, and even on their electric toothbrushes.  When we found out that our laser engraver can etch, burn, and cut a plethora of materials--and the result is extremely detailed as well as permanent--we were impressed. Our customers were too.

Due to the station’s popularity, we decided to make our Personalization Station available online. We are a family-owned and family- run business. We hold ourselves accountable for our customers’ happy shopping experience.  Whether you are visiting us at one of our shows or using our online store, you will always be met with friendly service and your gifts will be scrutinized for perfection. That is our "100% Happy!" commitment to you. 

The Personalization Station is beginning simply-- with laser engraving Polar Camel drinkware. We have found Polar Camel's quality to be on par with other top brands, but at a fraction of the price. Polar Camel is an excellent value to our customers. We will expand our offerings with new and exciting products as well as through new and exciting partnerships. So please sign up for our newsletter to stay in the know, become part of our P/S family. Our emails will be fun, we promise! 

Feel free to email us with any questions and/or comments. We welcome your input. After all, The Personalization Station wants to be your customized gift source for every special occasion and for every special person in your life.


Jamie, Aaron, Melanie & Matt
The Greskovich Family

Family-owned and family-run, we take care of our customers like family. We pay attention to details and feel confident that you will be 100% Happy with the special gifts you created.

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